
By Annual Monetary Grant

Stokesley Parish Council, Marlow Foods Ltd, The Rotary Club of Stokesley

By Material Donation

Plants for Central Feature by Rainbow Nurseries

By Annual Donations for Tubs

By Organisations

2nd Brownies, Flower Club (2), Levenside Association (2), Liberal Democrats, Local History Study Group, Rotary Club of Stokesley (3), Stokesley Ladies, Stokesley Society (3), Stokesley Branch of the Women's Institute, Stokesley Branch of the Yorkshire Countrywomen

By Businesses

Amos Dental Practice, Bezemer Ltd, Britannia Insurance, Cooper and Flower, Fletcher Investment Consultants, HSBC plc, Joegraphic Ltd, JS Design, Sanderson Taylor (2), Stokesley Butchers(2), Stokesley Signs, Stokesley and District Town Crier, Swallow and Company, Tindalls DIY, Topside Group, Victoria Wines, Windsor House Design, Yesterday's Pine (2)

By Individuals

Anonymous(2), Miss E Armstrong, Mr & Mrs B Aston, Mr & Mrs Braithwaite, Mr & Mrs Len Chapman, The Rev Michael and Mrs Dykes, Mr and Mrs Gains-Burrill, Mr & Mrs B Hall, Mr & Mrs John Mook, Mr & Mrs I & V Mundell, Mr & Mrs A Palmer, Ken & Dorothy Powell, Mr & Mrs M Richardson, Mrs Muriel Scott, Mr J Townson, Thelma and Wilf Turnbull, Ms Beryl Turner, Mr A & Mrs R Walker, Mr & Mrs M Waring, John and Susan Watson, Alan & Helen Weighell

Donors remembering Loved Ones

Mr Donald Ash, Miss M Bainbridge, Mrs M Bennison, Mrs JE Benson, Mrs Nellie Binns, Mrs Bird, Mr B Buck, Mrs Cynthia Hall, Mr LA Halliman, Mr & Mrs A Harris, Mrs E Smith, Mrs Cowen, Mrs E Crowther, PF Dowson, Mr John F Daglish, Mrs Mary Earl, Mrs M Edwards, Mrs P Fanthorpe, Mrs Sue Ford and sister, Mrs WE Helm, Mr A Herd, Mrs J Kerr, Mrs S Kirby, Mrs Holmes, Mrs Peggy Hughes, Mr Hugill (2), Mrs Jean Hugill, Mrs Kathleen Hutchinson, Mrs D Masterman, Mrs M Parker, Miss Julie Pounder, Mr RWG Preston, Mrs J Priest, Mrs Anne Purves, Mrs Pat Ramsden, Mrs Grace Ray, Mr Richards, Mrs M Saunders, Mr David Simon, Mr & Mrs H Stewart, Mr Alan Swales, Ms Christine Thomas, Mrs C Thompson, Mrs V Thompson, Mrs Weatherburn, Mr Chris Webster, Mrs M Westbrook, Mr Mark Wigin, Mrs A Wilson, Miss D Wilson, Miss M Wilson, Mr & Mrs L Wray, Mrs Jan Wrigley