You are welcome to attend the Workshop next Monday, as usual in St Joseph’s Church Hall, starting at 10 am (9.30 am for those helping to set up the room). Please come if possible as this will be an important meeting, helping to shape the programme for the coming year. We plan to:
- Display the three leaflets that have been prepared.
- Make available tickets for the talk by John Grundy on the 19 Nov, price £5.
- Discuss plans for Year 2 of the project. This will have a much wider remit with participants contributing ideas for topics, and choosing those that interest them. There is a list of possible topics below, to help stimulate ideas. Year 2 will also include our Project with the Primary School, again with scope for involvement. We are sharing a tent at Stokesley Show on 22 Sept with local history groups, providing an opportunity to promote the project.
- Manor: Thomas Alderson (who bought the Manor in 946).
- Industrial Revolution:
- History of Flax and linen in the region.
- Story of the Mill after Flax spinning stopped.
- Tanning.
- Dying.
- Buildings & people: Further Buildings.
- New Blue Plaques: Encourage wide participation in proposing and selecting properties.
- Buildings History:
- Survey of the brick types and patterns.
- Local Brick production.
- Cruck house by Yorkshire store.
- Families:
- Pennyman.
- Heaviside - dyers in C18.
- Braithewaite - Farming, Printing, Bricks.
- History of the flour mills.
- Packhorse trails to Stokesley.
- Railway: Impact on Stokesley.
- The Brewery by Red House, and then Brewery terrace.
- The history of the Post Office in Stokesley.
- C20:
- World Wars.
- Yards.
- Great Recession.
- Role as a Market Town:
- The Market and trade.
- Exports, imports by land and sea.
- Logistics: Pannier ways, roads, rail.
- How the profile of Occupations changed over the years.
- Comparison with other market towns in the area.
H B Charman