Reg. charity no. 1117713. Awards for All grant gained in 2007 for Hydrological Survey as first phase of Enhancement Report.
Chair | Lynn Southern |
Vice Chair | Alec Dick |
Secretary | Pam King |
Treasurer | Richard Southern |
Stokesley River Leven Group
The Aim of the Group is to conserve, for the benefit of Stokesley residents, traders and visitors, a river environment that is well maintained and abundant in quality features.
The Objects are to establish the best conservable river environment by conferring with the Environment Agency and/or their consultants and local interested parties; to restore the permanent physical elements of the structure that have eroded; to create an on-going plan for long-term maintenance; and to ensure long-term conservation by nominating a SRLG successor, for example the Stokesley Parish Council.
The Group was formed on 18 March 2004.
The member organisations are:
Stokesley Parish Council
Stokesley Pride-in-our-Town Association
Levenside Association
National Farmers Union, Stokesley Branch
Stokesley Agricultural Society
Riparian Landowners and Townspeople are also eligible to become members.
The Group would greatly appreciate contributions of tales or recollections of the river from Stokesley residents. Such information could help greatly in establishing background material for grants towards restoration funds.