Blue Plaques

There are 11 rectangular Blue Plaques in Stokesley, which have been placed by The Stokesley Society. In addition there is a white on black plaque (the one commemorating Jane Pace) which it is believed has been placed by the local authority, and also a circular one commemorating Alec Wright. They represent an interesting and somewhat random selection of elements of Stokesley's history. I have also included the oddity (last one below), which describes what happens to the Leven.

The plaques are listed below. Thanks to Derek Whiting for the photographs.

The Pound The Mill Wheel Manor House The Preston Grammar School Dr. Yeoman's House The Town Hall The White House The plaque commemmorating Jane Pace Alec Wright, the famous local artist The first Methodist Church in Stokesley The Packhorse Bridge The Kent Gate The Market Cross in Market Square The River Leven