Local groups and societies
There are many local groups and societies who share our ethos of seeking to maintain and improve Stokesley and the local area for residents and visitors.
The overall aim of Stokesley River Leven Group is to conserve, for the benefit of Stokesley residents, traders and visitors, a river environment that is well maintained and abundant in quality features.
The objectives of the group are:
- to establish the best conservable river environment by conferring with the Environment Agency and local interested parties
- to restore the permanent physical elements of the structure that have eroded
- to create an ongoing plan for long-term maintenance
- to ensure long-term conservation by nominating a Stokesley River Leven Group successor, for example the Stokesley Parish Council
The member organisations are:
- Stokesley Parish Council
- Stokesley Pride-in-our-Town Association
- Levenside Association
- National Farmers Union, Stokesley Branch
- Stokesley Agricultural Society
Riparian landowners and townspeople are also eligible to become members.
The group would greatly appreciate contributions of tales or recollections of the river from Stokesley residents. Such information could help greatly in establishing background material for grants towards restoration funds.
Chair: Lynn Southern
Vice Chair: Alec Dick
Secretary: Pam King
Treasurer: Richard Southern
The group was formed on 18 March 2004.
Registered charity number: 1117713
Grants: An Awards for All grant was gained in 2007 for a hydrological survey as part of the first phase of the enhancement report.
You can contact the group by email at StokesleyRiverLevenGroup@gmail.com
The aims of the Stokesley Society are to preserve and improve the appearance of the town, and to stimulate public interest in the beauty, history and character of the town and its surroundings.
Our prime concern is the Conservation Area in Stokesley. We have also produced publications, two videos and a pair of audio cassettes. We arrange regular events, and carry out improvement projects. We produce an annual newsletter.
Our members consist of about 140 households. New members are welcome.
The Stokesley Society was formed in 1962.
The aim of Stokesley History Group is to actively search out historical information on an earlier Stokesley and make this information publicly available through publications and exhibitions.
In details, the group aims to:
- study archival and verbal sources of Stokesley’s history
- actively seek out information
- catalogue and index results
- produce publications
- pass on archival documents to North Yorkshire County Archives for safe keeping
- encourage the study of old documents through help from experienced local historians
- arrange exhibitions to encourage people to contribute historic material and help with research
- arrange local history talks and walks in Stokesley
Researched material is kept in The Globe, Stokesley Library.
You can find out more information at the Stokesley History Group Facebook page.
The group meets on the third Monday in the month in the Community Care meeting room above the library in Town Close, Stokesley with the exception of Bank Holidays and not in July, August and December. The meetings are normally from 1.30pm to 3pm.
It is hoped to invite two outside speakers per year but study group members will talk about their current projects at the majority of meetings.
Events will be announced in the local press and in notices posted around town and in our own publicity.
You can contact the group by email at stokesleyhistory@gmail.com
For any research, contact the Secretary, Chris Bainbridge via email at chrisbainbridge46@gmail.com